Mood-Boosting Foods to Help Manage Depression

Mood-Boosting Foods to Help Manage Depression

A healthy diet can have great benefits in multiple directions. Not only does a healthy diet help in maintaining a healthy weight and good physical health it is also capable of reducing or even getting rid of some symptoms of depression.

A healthy and balanced diet can become a strong foundation that can be relied upon when dealing with various conditions like depression and anxiety. As such, understanding which food substances to include can transform our current habits to make them more efficient. Some of the food substances that can help in boosting the mood for people suffering from depression are as follows:

  • Whole grains: Food substances with high-fiber content and whole grains are one of the best options out there that can replace unhealthy processed foods. These food substances take the responsibility of maintaining stable levels of blood sugar in the body, unlike processed foods that can cause sudden spikes and trigger symptoms. Food substances that can stabilize blood sugar levels can further regulate the secretions of brain neurotransmitters and keep any symptoms of the condition at bay. Therefore, adding whole grains and high-fiber food substances can be helpful. As per the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the recommended intake of fiber per day amounts to 38 and 25 grams for men and women, respectively.
  • Fruits: According to a data analysis, a correlation has been examined between the consumption of fruits and vegetables and the risk of depression. The results of this analysis said that the higher the consumption of fruits, the lower would be the risk of depression. Fruits are one of the best options out there as they also satisfy the craving for something sweet and provide individuals with important nutrients like vitamins and minerals. The USDA recommends that individuals should consume at least 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit servings in a day. Bananas and berries are good options to start.
  • Grass-fed beef: A mood-boosting diet would essentially be majorly composed of food substances that are rich in protein content. Grass-fed beef is one such example of a protein-rich food substance that strikes the perfect balance between being a part of a healthy diet and mood-boosting food for depression. In addition to a good amount of protein, grass-fed beef also contains healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fatty acids could also play a potential role in the management of depression.
  • Fish: A research clearly states that fish serves as one of the healthy food options for the management and improvement of depression. Fish is usually a part of many traditional and regional diets. It is very famous in the Norwegian, Mediterranean, and Japanese diets – all of which have been extensively studied and recommended for the management of depression and its symptoms. The general recommended quantity of fish that should be consumed is about 3 ounces, at a frequency of 2 or 3 times in a week.