Foods to Eat for COPD
When managing a condition like COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), every choice made can affect the quality of the individual’s life. Nutrition, in particular, forms such a big part of our life and how we live it. It, therefore, has a big hand in determining how smoothly the condition can be handled. The food substances that are added to the diet would also determine important details like how much carbon dioxide would have to be managed by the lungs. So, choosing the right food substances can be of great help. Following are some of the food substances which can easily be added to a COPD patient’s diet:
- Nuts: A lot of COPD patients can also be on the lower end of their body mass index (BMI). That indicates that the individual is not getting proper nutrition. As it is important to keep the weight in a normal range, high-calorie foods would need to be added into the diet. The best way to do this is to choose healthy foods like nut butter, nuts, etc. Nut butter can prove to be helpful if the individuals have any problem with chewing or if they find it tiresome. Sauces and creamy dressings while calorie-rich may also be loaded with saturated fats. It is best to bring in a dietician to understand the balance between these choices.
- Lean protein food substances: Protein deficiency is something that is a problem for most people. However, it can remain invisible for a long time. If the body doesn’t receive enough proteins then the muscle mass could drastically reduce. All of this can impact COPD patients more than a healthy person. To make sure that this is avoided, the food items that can be added to the diet are nut butter, chicken, eggs, fish, etc. Another way to go about it would be to add protein powder to smoothies. The recommended amount of protein intake is 1.5 grams for each kilogram or 2.2 pounds of body weight.
- Foods rich in Vitamin D: Some research points to the development of COPD symptoms because of the deficiency of Vitamin D in the body. If patients do not get enough exposure to the sun, it may become difficult for the body to provide itself with enough quantities of Vitamin D. Food substances that can help with this deficiency are fatty fishes such as mackerel, salmon, and tuna. In addition to this, vitamin D supplements can also be added, if required.
- Healthy fats: Certain types of fats are considered to be healthy and beneficial for the body. Whether individuals want to lose weight or worry about heart health, healthy fats can be added to a COPD-friendly diet. These food substances being included should contain omega-3 fatty acids, mono- and poly-unsaturated fats. Food substances with hydrogenated fats or saturated fats should be strictly avoided. Some examples of food substances with healthy fats are eggs, avocados, eggs, fatty coldwater fish such as salmon. Oils like olive oil can also be added. These will also help in reaching the calorie targets required to manage COPD.