5 DIY Yardwork Hacks
When you think of yard work cleanup, lawn care, and even garden pest control, there’s a good chance your mind goes straight to mowing the lawn and raking leaves. But you can do plenty of other things in your yard without spending hours on end trimming grass or raking up leaves. In fact, with a few basic techniques and a little planning ahead of time, you can make yard maintenance a breeze. Yard work can be easy with a little preparation: 1. Installing a rain barrel and cleaning your gutters Cleaning your gutters is an important task. Your gutters wash away debris, rainwater and other contaminants that can damage your home’s foundation. Installing a rain barrel for collecting water from your roof is another way to reduce water runoff. A rain barrel allows you to collect stormwater to use on plants or gardens outside your house. Installing a rain barrel is easy. Just attach one directly onto the side of your home’s gutter guards. Regular maintenance every few months post-winter season will ensure no more leaf waste ends up clogging your gutters. 2. Aerating your lawn in early summer and autumn Aerating your lawn is a great way to ensure you’re getting the most out of it.