8 Products to Help You Quit Smoking

8 Products to Help You Quit Smoking

You may have good willpower, but just that alone isn’t enough to help you quit smoking. There are several products that are available in the market that can help you with overcoming this habit. Taking full advantage of these products as they can definitely help increase your chances of being able to quit smoking. There are three types of products that one can make use of in order to quit smoking – prescription tablets, nicotine replacement therapy, and e-cigarette. This article lists some of the products that can help you to quit smoking:

  • Champix (Varenicline): These are prescription tablets that you will need to start taking two weeks before you stop smoking. Continue taking them for about ten weeks after you stop smoking. They help reduce your cravings for a smoke.
  • Zyban (Bupropion): These are tablets that you will need to only take for eight weeks in total. They also work similarly to Champix in reducing the cravings that you have to smoke a cigarette.
  • Nicotine Patches: It is up to you to decide if you want to wear a nicotine patch around the clock (24-hour patch) or just when you are awake (16-hour patch). These patches release nicotine directly into your skin, which helps relieve any withdrawal symptoms that you might face. They also help in relieving the cravings you might have for a cigarette. They can be worn under your clothing and are hence very discreet.
  • Nicotine Inhaler: An inhaler works by releasing nicotine vapor that is then absorbed by your mouth and throat. These have proved to work better than lozenges and gum. It can be used every time you feel a strong craving coming on. The only drawback with the nicotine inhaler is that unlike the nicotine patches they are not discreet.
  • Nicotine Nasal Spray: With the nasal spray, nicotine is delivered through the lining of the nose. It works by releasing one spray into each nostril and is the strongest form of nicotine replacement therapy. It provides a very quick and effective nicotine dose, which is actually equivalent to one cigarette. It is also the fastest way that nicotine can enter your bloodstream. The spray is the closest feeling that you can get to smoking a cigarette. These nasal sprays however, do come with certain side effects like nose and throat irritation, coughing, and watery eyes.
  • Nicotine Lozenges: These lozenges dissolve slowly in your mouth and they provide you with short bursts of nicotine that can help relieve cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  • E-cigarette: Nicotine is inhaled in the form of a vapor rather than smoke. These e-cigarettes are not risk-free but they are better when you compare them to real cigarettes.
  • Nicotine Micro tab: These are really small tablets containing nicotine that quickly dissolve when placed under your tongue. These are very discreet as you don’t have to chew or suck on them. These tablets however, deliver a very small amount of nicotine.