Foods to Avoid for IBS Patients

Foods to Avoid for IBS Patients

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition that brings about varied symptoms in response to varied triggers in each suffering from the condition. A clear lack of universal triggers for the condition can make it difficult to understand which food substances particularly can hurt an individual. The best option in developing this understanding would be to look at food substances which affect the most IBS patients and start the identification process from there. The following are some of the food substances that affect people suffering from IBS:

  • Dairy products: Dairy products can create problems for people with IBS due to 2 major reasons. Firstly, dairy products usually have a good amount of fat in them which can easily bring about IBS symptoms such as diarrhea. In addition to that, a lot of people suffering from IBS are also lactose intolerant. To navigate better through the first problem, individuals should switch to nonfat dairy or low-fat dairy. If IBS patients are also lactose intolerant, they should consider other alternatives such as soy cheese, rice milk, etc.
  • Fried foods: Fried foods are one of the most commonly available food items in the United States. The essential concept that should be reinforced strongly here is that moderation is key. As fat can disrupt the general stability in IBS patients, consuming a high quantity of these products can’t be good for them. When food is fried, the chemical makeup of the food would alter making it more difficult to be digested. Therefore, it is best if people with IBS avoided fried foods as they can present problems to IBS patients on multiple fronts.
  • Legumes and beans: Beans and legumes are generally considered to be very healthy food. They are high in fiber content and protein. However, beans can lead to the development of IBS symptoms. While beans can also increase the bulk in stool and help in relieving constipation, it can also lead to an increase in symptoms such as cramps, gas, and bloating. As this is the case in most of the people that suffer from IBS, it would be safer to add this to the foods to avoid list.
  • Chocolate: Chocolate candies and bars can have high quantities of caffeine and sugar in them. These constituents present in chocolate are capable of triggering IBS symptoms effectively. Hence, on a general basis, it would be advisable to avoid chocolate. However, the vegan options available in chocolate seem to be tolerable for most people suffering from IBS.
  • Cauliflower and Broccoli: Similar to beans and legumes, these are also food substances which are generally considered to be healthy. However, these products are difficult to digest comparatively and therefore can easily trigger IBS symptoms. Once these food substances reach the intestine, their breakdown results in the production of gas and can sometimes also lead to constipation. This can be the case even in people who don’t suffer from IBS. While grating the heads of cauliflower and broccoli is capable of making the process of digestion slightly easier on the small intestine, it still doesn’t promise the complete elimination of the possibility of diarrhea, painful gas, and other IBS triggers.