5 Symptoms of Feline Diabetes

5 Symptoms of Feline Diabetes

Diabetes can be a very serious and debilitating problem in cats. Male cats over the age of eight, obese cats, and cats with a diet plan including high carbohydrate content are usually the most susceptible to this condition. In most of the cats, the kind of diabetes developed is that of type II. In this case, the cells of their bodies do not respond adequately to insulin which further results in the rise of glucose levels. If this is the case, then planning various treatment options and understanding the further course of action becomes important and time-sensitive.

The following are various symptoms that indicate feline diabetes:

  • Increased appetite and weight loss
    When cats have the condition of diabetes, the cells in their bodies become incapable of taking the glucose present in the bloodstream. As a result, the cells do not receive energy and go into a stage of starvation. This triggers the breakdown of the fats and proteins present in the body to obtain energy. The breakdown of fat and proteins that occurs results in reduced weight. The appetite of the cat at this point also increases significantly.
  • Increase in thirst and urination
    Whether it is type I diabetes or type II diabetes, excessive urination is one of the common symptoms of both the conditions. In both conditions, the cat’s body would have excess glucose within them. The kidneys take the responsibility of clearing this glucose and sending it out of the body through urine. Because of this, the cat would experience excessive urination when diabetic. Urination, however, majorly signifies water loss form the body. Therefore, cats would then experience an increased thirst which when not met with the required amount of hydration can cause dehydration.
  • Loss of interest and inability to jump
    Given that a record of the cat’s general everyday activities is maintained or properly understood, the subtle symptom of loss of interest can be more accurately pointed out. This along with the inability to jump on different pieces of furniture or various heights that the cats were once used to will indicate a serious and more intense symptom of the condition. This would mean that the cat is sick and needs immediate attention from a medical professional.
  • Lethargy and vomiting
    Vomiting and lethargy are some of the late symptoms of diabetes mellitus and is an indication of serious jeopardy of health. If these symptoms are noticed, it is important to rush the cat to a medical professional. Conditions like gastroparesis, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia can result in the development of nausea in cats. This further leads to lost appetite, lethargy, and vomiting.
  • The difference in gait
    When cats are suffering from diabetes, weakness can easily be caused resulting in a change in their gait. Cats undergoing fatigue would end up walking flat on the back of the hind legs. Because of the constantly peaking blood sugar levels, the nerves in the hind legs can be affected by neuropathy. This is also a severe symptom of feline diabetes and can result in permanent paralysis if the necessary treatment is not provided for a long time.