Foods to Avoid for Ulcerative Colitis
One of the most chronic and inflammatory conditions of the rectum and colon is known as ulcerative colitis. It is one of the two primary inflammatory bowel disorders. This condition leads to the development of ulcers inside the colon and can result in very painful symptoms. As such, the diet being consumed and avoided can be helpful in the management of the condition. Particularly, knowing which food substances should be avoided can save the individual from a lot of trouble and symptoms that could be triggered along with further long term damage that can happen because of these triggers. The following is a small guide of foods to avoid:
- Nuts and seeds: Nuts are best avoided in all the forms available for colitis patients. That means it is better to remove food substances with crushed nuts added into them or flours made out of nuts from the diet plan. These should be particularly avoided if the individual has already been prescribed a low-fiber diet. The types of nuts best avoided are pecans, walnuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, and peanuts. Seeds are also known to aggravate various symptoms because of the insoluble fiber content they have. This fiber content can cause symptoms like diarrhea, gas, bloating, etc. Seeds that should be avoided include pumpkin seeds, millets, sesame seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, wild rice, and pine nuts.
- High-fiber fruits: Fruits are considered to be healthy and beneficial for the body but the problem comes where most of them tend to have high fiber content that can interfere with the condition of ulcerative colitis. Fruits should be avoided in their raw and dried forms. Fruits with seeds that can’t be separated should also be avoided. Canned fruits can be consumed. However, it would be better if the canned fruits are packed in their own juice or water to avoid extra sugar intake. If the pulp is removed, juices are also edible. The exception in the case of juices would be prune juice as it has high fiber content.
- Dairy products: A lot of people who suffer from ulcerative colitis also tend to have lactose intolerance. If that is the case, then individuals should remove all kinds of dairy products from their diet by all means. That means milk, yogurt, butter, and different types of cheese should all be removed from the diet. If it is noticed to be a trigger, make sure to remove it completely from the diet for at least 4 weeks. Following this period, discussions with the dietician on how to proceed would be advisable.
- Cereals, pasta, and whole-grain bread: Similar to the previous cases, these are food substances that have a high content of fiber in them. These can be particularly difficult for people with ulcerative colitis to digest and further also cause flare-ups. As bran has not been removed from the whole grain flour, the fiber content in it is generally high. Food products made from whole grain flour like noodles, bread, macaroni, pasta, cereals, etc. should be avoided at all costs.