Teeth Whitening Tips to Try at Home

Teeth Whitening Tips to Try at Home

Yellowing of teeth happens due to various reasons. First, yellowing happens inevitably with age. The (almost) white color of teeth is due to the presence of enamel which is present on the outer layer of the tooth. Beneath the layer is a tissue called dentin, which is yellow-brown in color. As the enamel thins or wears out, it gives away the color beneath. Secondly, stains from excess consumption of coffee, tea or aerated drinks and due to smoking could be another contributing factor. While the market offers innumerable tooth-whitening kits, promising instant whiteness and protection from any further damage, it would certainly be a good option to try some DIY teeth whitening tricks. Here are some:

Make changes to your diet
Some foods contain tannins that could stain your teeth. For example, wine, tea, coffee, and dark sodas. Acidic foods like citrus-based foods should also be avoided especially if your teeth have already started to stain. If you cannot avoid citrus food, ensure to brush immediately after a meal. Experts recommend that we wait 30 minutes post-meal for brushing. This is because acids have the potency to weaken the enamel and brushing too soon can quicken the damaging process. Most importantly, quitting smoking or use of any kind of tobacco products reduces the risk (significantly) of nicotine stains. On top of that, it prevents tooth decay and gum disease.

Try oil pulling
The American Dental Association (ADA) has stated oil pulling as one of the unconventional dentistry methods as there are no reliable scientific studies to show the fact that oil pulling reduces cavities, whitens teeth, and facilitates oral health. However, many East Asian countries still follow these traditional methods and swear by it. To try this method, ideally as the first activity in the morning, rinse the mouth with warm oil for just a minute after brushing, then spit it out. There are only a few oils that are recommended for this purpose and this includes coconut oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil.

Baking Soda
There has always a mixed opinion with the use of baking soda for removing stains on teeth. Baking soda is known to fight against bacteria and also reduce plaque and prevent tooth decay besides removing stains. One teaspoon of baking soda can be poured on a thin strip of aluminum foil and wrap it around your teeth for 15 minutes. Rinse. Alternatively, you can also brush your teeth with baking soda. You could also try the combination of hydrogen peroxide with baking soda. Take just about the right quantity of both to enable the process of brushing. Remember hydrogen peroxide could increase the sensitivity of the tooth. Hence use this for the short-term purpose.

Fruit power
Recent studies have shown that the enzymes papain and bromelain which are present in papayas and pineapples respectively may help to whiten teeth.

While the above-mentioned tricks could give you an immediate solution, in order to sustain the results, one has to maintain excellent oral hygiene. Brushing twice a day, flossing at least once a day (preferably before going to bed), and just rinsing the mouth with plain water after every meal will surely be beneficial in maintaining a healthy mouth.