DIY Hair Removal Recipes to Try at Home

DIY Hair Removal Recipes to Try at Home

Do-it-yourself (DIY) home hair removal procedures can be different than doing the same thing at a spa or parlor. Here are two easy and affordable DIY home hair removal recipes for you to try.

Sugar + Lime Juice for removing body hair
One of the most commonly used formulae for hair removal is the age-old recipe of sugar wax. Ideal for even sensitive skin, this wax removes hair from the root and can be used anywhere on your body.

The ingredients you need are:

  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup water

Here is how you proceed with making the sugar wax.

  • Empty the sugar in a saucepan.
  • Pour in the lemon juice and add enough water to simply cover the sugar.
  • Now heat the concoction on low-medium flame for a few minutes.
  • Make sure the consistency of the mixture is just like a gooey gel that you can apply easily on your body with a butter knife.
  • Switch off the stove, and wait till this cools down enough for you to put on without stinging your skin.

Use the sugar wax this way.

  • If your body hair is at least 1/4th of an inch long, then using this wax should be a breeze.
  • Clean up and dry the area you intend to wax. Remove all traces of oil, cream, or lotion.
  • Making sure your skin is not loose and is stretched neatly, spread the sugar wax in the same direction where there is hair growth.
  • Next, tap a clean piece of cotton cloth over this wax, and pull the hair in the opposite direction of growth.
  • Continue to repeat this until all unwanted hair is removed.
  • Finally, after removing all the hair, use a damp, lukewarm washcloth to wipe away the sticky feeling of the sugar wax from your body.
  • Apply natural coconut or almond oil or chemical-free aloe vera gel over the area to soothe the waxed skin.
  • This method is a little painful certainly, but well worth enduring, especially when you can enjoy clean, smooth, fuzz-free skin for a few weeks.

Egg and Cornstarch (or rice flour) for removing facial hair
Resist the temptation to make delicious omelets out of those eggs you have. Alternatively, use them along with coarse cornstarch or rice flour to make a DIY facial hair removal recipe.

The ingredients you would require are:

  • 1 egg white
  • 1/2 teaspoon corn starch/rice flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar (optional)

Here is how you proceed with making the egg peel-off mask.

  • In a clean bowl add the ingredients, egg white, cornstarch/rice flour, and sugar, if you are using.
  • Whip these well and make sure it forms a smooth paste without any lumps.

Use the egg mask this way.

  • Apply this paste on the face with your fingertips, carefully avoiding your eyes and eyebrows.
  • Allow it to dry for 20-30 minutes.
  • Then gently peel off the mask to reveal a clean, hair-free, moisturized face.
  • Make sure you use this mask on acne-free skin to avoid blisters, and remove unwanted facial hair and nourish your skin simultaneously.