Eczema Trigger Foods
Eczema is a painful skin condition that creates dry, itchy, and patches of skin across a person’s body. Eczema comes in many forms and is triggered by genetics or other irritants to the skin. The condition has no scientific cure to date, but there are treatments to reduce symptoms of Eczema. Hand creams and other moisturizers are available to help moisturize the skin, but a certain diet can help prevent and reduce the condition. Certain foods, when avoided, will lower inflammation and reduce the symptoms of eczema: 1. Dairy Milk and dairy products are some of the beverages and foods that should be avoided to reduce symptoms of Eczema. Eczema symptoms are often caused by inflammation within the body, so foods that release T cells, a cell that leads to inflammation, should be avoided. Dairy products release these cells along with antibodies called immunoglobulins, which the body produces when it senses a threat. Avoiding dairy products and other milk based foods will help to prevent irritating flare ups on the skin. 2. Citrus fruits Citrus fruits are also known to trigger Eczema symptoms. These fruits cause inflammation and can lead to break out spots of the irritating skin condition. 3.